Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Quest Begins..

..for a midwife who does home birth! Sadly this immediate Binghamton area has only midwives who work in hospitals along side OB's-NOT my cup of tea. And, when I called one of their offices, they had no clue about midwives who attend births at home. Fortunately I did some digging online and found out there are 3 midwives in Ithaca area who can do homebirths in and around our area :) I left a messege on the one's phone last night. I am very hopeful. I am not preggers with #2 yet, but just want to be ahead of the game..and have my options laid out. Pray for us :D


  1. How exciting--I think a homebirth would be wonderful! Praying!

  2. hey camille! i've just remembered that i know someone in binghamton who is a midwife. she's really nice and goes to the church that i went to in ny. i could try to get you some information if you'd like...


  3. Camille- I'm originally from Rochester, so I can imagine it would be hard to find a homebirth midwife where you live. I feel very fortunate to be in the Seattle area where homebirths and birth centers are extremely common and easily accessible for everyone. Blessings in your search :)

  4. Hello, I found your blog via Bethany. I am praying for you as you search for a midwife in your area. I am soon to be married and will be moving to New England, and already hopeful that birthing centers and midwives will be something we're blessed with in our area, as I know that not all regions have access to them.

    -Dose of Joy

  5. Hi Camille, I wasn't sure how to reach you because I didn't see an email. Just wanted to say thank you for your comment about the issue. I'm glad that you are selective in who you place as friends. Thanks for sharing your input and your nice words about my blog. ~Bev

  6. You won over at ww.themodestmomblog.com! Can you email me your address so I can get you your pattern? thanks!

